and the
water ballet
and the
water ballet
Giovanni and the water ballet
Ten-year old Giovanni has a dream: he wants to be the first boy to compete in the Dutch Synchronized Swimming Championships. Because his chosen field is viewed as typically one for girls, not everybody is as understanding as they could be. But Giovanni runs his own race and Kim, his girlfriend does get what he is trying to do. When they are alone they chat about the future. Will Giovanni be able to take advantage of Kim’s support and make it to the Championships?
- Director: Astrid Bussink
- DOP: Diderik Evers & Dirk-Jan Kerkkamp & Sal Kroonenberg
- Sound: Tim van Peppen & Bouk Bouwmeester
- Editing: Femke Klein Obbink
- Sound design: Tim van Peppen
- Grading: Michiel Rummens
- Title design: Lennart Wolfert
- Animations: Max Italiaander
- Producers: Hasse van Nunen & Renko Douze
- Broadcaster: NCRV
- Length: 17'
- Status: finished, 2014
- With the support of the Dutch Cultural Media Fund
- Mediafondsprijs Best Children Documentairy - 2014 - Amsterdam
- Generation Kplus International Jury Prize for Best Short Film - Berlinale - 2015 - Germany
- Audience Parent Award - New York Children's Film Festival - 2015- New York
- Second place best documentairy - Caïro International Cinema & Arts Festival for Children - 2015 - Egypt
- Best short documentary- CAT Festival - 2015 - Russia
- Beste children documentary - Encounters International Short Film Festival - 2015 - UK
- Kinderkast non-fiction award - Cinekid - 2015 - Amsterdam
- Short is better - Milwaukee film festival - 2015 - USA
- KUKI - 2015 - Germany
- In the palace - Bulgary
- Special mention for documentary - Flickerfest - 2016 - Australië
- Cinekid - 2014 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- IDFA - 2014 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Jeugdfilmfestival Vlaanderen - 2015 - Belgium
- Generation Kplus Short Film - Berlinale - 2015 - Germany
- New York International Children's Film Festival - 2015 - USA
- Thessaloniki Film Festival - 2015 - Greece
- Caïro International Cinema & Arts Festival for Children - 2015 - Egypt
- GoShort Film Festival - 2015 - The Netherlands
- Full Frame Fest - 2015 - USA
- Film Festival Dresden - 2015 - Germany
- IndieLisboa - 2015 - Portugal
- Tabor Film Festival KIKI - 2015 - Croatië
- Documentamadrid - 2015 - Spain
- Little Big Shots - 2015 - Australia
- Marathon Dok - 2015 - Denmark
- Docaviv - 2015 - Israel
- Docville - 2015 - Belgium
- One World Documentary Film Festival - 2015 - Nicaragua
- Documentary Edge Festival - 2015 - New Sealand
- PLANETE + DOC films - 2015 - Polen
- CAT International Children and Youth Festival - 2015 - Russia
- Edinburgh International Film Festival - 2015 - UK
- Mo&Friese Children's Short Film Festival - 2015 - Germany
- KINO W Trampkach - 2015 - Polen
- AFIDOCS - 2015 - USA
- Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos - 2015 - Argentina
- Madeline Island Summer Film Series - 2015 - USA
- Tel Aviv Children's Film Festival - 2015 - Israel
- Guanajuato International Film Festival - 2015 - Mexico
- Super Supetar Film Festival - 2015 - Croatië
- Odense Interantional Film Festival - 2015 - Denmark
- Kineko International Children's Film Festival - 2015 - Japan
- KINEKO International Children's Film Festival - 2015 - Japan
- Helsinki International Film Festival - 2015 - Finland
- DC Shorts - 2015 - USA
- Flahertiana Film Festival - 2015 - Russia
- DMZ International Documentary Film Festival - 2015 - Korea
- Buster Film Festival - 2015 - Denmark
- RID Montreal - 2015 - Canada
- Favorites Film festival - 2015 - Germany
- Encounters - 2015 - UK
- Milwaukee Film - 2015 - USA
- CinedDoc Tblisi - 2015 - Georgia
- Rooftop Cinema - 2015 - Korea
- Beacon Indie filmfest - 2015 - USA
- Dokumentarfilminitiative Im Filmburo - 2015 - Germany
- BIDF - 2015 - Hongary
- Kinderdocs - 2015 - The Netherlands
- DOK Leipzig - 2015 - Germany
- Heartland - 2015 - USA
- CICFF - 2015 - USA
- Kasseler Dokfest - 2015 - Germany
- Shnit - 2015 - Switzerland
- Peloponnisos Doc Film Festival - Greece
- Mumbai film fesitval - India
- Rocky Mountains woman's Film Festival - USA
- Carrousel International du film de Rimouski - 2016 - Canada
- FRONTDOC - 2016 - Italy
- Docaviv - 2017 - Israël