Writing Hawa
Writing Hawa
With the return of the Taliban, the dreams of Hawa, her daughter and her granddaughter are cruelly shattered. The documentary Writing Hawa, filmed over a period of more than five years, tells the story of an Afghan family, against the backdrop of world news, through the eyes of Hawa's daughter Najiba.
- Director: Najiba Noori & Ali Rasul Noori
- Producer: Tag Film
- Co-producer: Renko Douze & Hasse van Nunen
- Lenght: 90'
- Status: in production
- Supported by: Catapult film fund, Docs Up funds, IDA Enterprise Fund, Madre, Women Make Movies
Now we bring the female Afghan diaspora together with the film, and together we take action for girls and women in Afghanistan. Would you like to know more about the impactprogram Learning with Hawa? Then go to this page!