Five days
Five days
A family’s father has just died and his children come together in the ancestral home. What follows are days filled with memories, sorrow, humor and renewed family ties. As well as the strain of organizing the perfect funeral. Five days will hone in on the kitchen table, to show what this extra-ordinarily intimate and isolated period looks like from the inside. This documentary is about saying goodbye. Not just to a beloved family member, but also to an era and a place of connections.
- Director: Renko Douze
- DOP: Christian Paulussen
- Sound: Tim van Peppen
- Editing: Saskia Kievits
- Producer: Hasse van Nunen
- Broadcaster: IKON
- Duration: 25'
- Status: In production
- With financial support of the Dutch Cultural Media Fund
This film is part of the Doc25 program of the public broadcasters.
Foto Vinzcha/Flickr cc by-sa